
Reaching carbon neutrality in France by 2050 : optimal choice of energy sources, carriers and storage options.

Agrégation des séries temporelles, Captage et stockage du carbone, Carbon capture and storage, Couplage sectoriel, Coût social du carbone, Energy Economics, Energy markets, Energy storage, Energy systems modelling, Energy transition, Marchés de l'énergie, Modélisation des systèmes énergétiques, Policy support schemes, Prise de décision robuste, Renewable energies, Robust decision making, Sector-Coupling, Social cost of carbon, Soutiens publiques, Stockage de l'énergie, Time series aggregation, Transition énergétique, Économie de l'énergie, Énergies renouvelables

Stimulating fuelwood consumption through public policies: An assessment of economic and resource impacts based on the French Forest Sector Model.

Alternative energy, Biomass, Biomass burning, Climate change, Commerce, Energy policy, Forest resources, Forestry, France, French forests, Fuel consumption, Fuelwood, Fuelwood consumption, Policy options, Renewable Resources, Renewable energies, Renewable energy, Renewable resource, Seasonal Variation, Trade balance, Trade-off, Wood products

Analyzing the optimal development of electricity storage in electricity markets with high variable renewable energy shares.

Demand-response, Electricity Storage, Energies renouvelables, Flexibility, Flexibilité, Investissements, Investments, Pilotage de la demande, Renewable energies, Réseaux intelligents, Smart grids, Stockage de l'électricité

Modeling and optimal strategies in short-term energy markets.

Contrôle optimal, Energies renouvelables, Energy markets, Machine learning, Marché des services systèmes, Marchés de l’énergie, Neural networks, Optimal control, Renewable energies, Réseau de neurones, System services market

The Impacts of Variable Renewable Production and Market Coupling on the Convergence of French and German Electricity Prices.

Electricity price convergence, France, Germany, Intermittency, Market coupling, Renewable energies

Modeling and optimal strategies in short-term energy markets.

Contrôle optimal, Energies renouvelables, Energy markets, Machine learning, Marché des services systèmes, Marchés de l’énergie, Neural networks, Optimal control, Renewable energies, Réseau de neurones, System services market